Accessibility Services


The Library provides services to ensure UTS students and staff with either a temporary or permanent disability have equitable access to Library resources. 

Needs assessment

To register as a student with accessibility requirements, you will need to make an appointment with staff in the UTS Accessibility Service via +61 2 9514 1177 or Accessibility [at]

Due to demand on resources, accessibility services and facilities at UTS Library are available only to those employed by or currently enrolled in a course of study at UTS. Services may also be extended to those enrolled at or employed by another Australian university on proof of accessibility requirements from their university.

Library access

Entry to the UTS Library is through a gate system. You will need your UTS ID card to swipe in through the gates.

The Library gates are on level 7 and there is internal lift access between level 7, 8 and 9. The Reading Room has gates on Level 5.

Students registered with the UTS Accessibility Service have swipe access to level 6 of the Reading Room. Access is granted through the door next to the Helix stairwell. If any assistance is required, please see Library staff or security.

Assistive technology rooms 

Students registered with the UTS Accessibility Service can request through Accessibility Services for their ID to be updated for relevant access.

The Assistive Technology Rooms CB02.08.123 and CB02.08.127 are located on level 8 and are available to all UTS card holders who have registered with the UTS Accessibility Service. Room CB02.08.127 can be booked via the online booking service.

Booking Conditions:

To use the Assistive Technology Rooms in the Library you need to be registered with the UTS  Accessibility Service. 

Any UTS Library books left in the rooms will be checked in and returned to the shelves. Personal belongings left in the rooms will be treated as lost property and handed in to security staff. 

For additional study room bookings at UTS Central (Building 2) visit the bookings page


Toilet facilities with wheelchair access are located on each level of UTS Central with lift access available from the entry level.

Accessible formats and technologies

The Accessible Format Service (AFS) is provided jointly by UTS Library and UTS Accessibility Service staff. The AFS provides course materials in accessible formats for students with accessibility requirements to ensure they have equitable access to educational materials. Students who are registered with the UTS Accessibility Service may be eligible to receive all or part of their course materials in an accessible format. Refer to the guidelines for details of the eligibility criteria and the terms of the service agreement

How to request materials in accessible formats: 

  • The student registers with the UTS Accessibility Service(External link), and arranges a confidential interview with an Accessibility Consultant (AC), who determines that the provision of course material in an accessible format is warranted.
  • The student agrees to the terms of the Service Agreement.
  • The student, AC and Library staff determine which accessible formats will be provided.
  • The AC facilitates training in the agreed format for the student, if required.
  • Once an agreement is reached on digital conversion formats and training, the AC submits requests for course materials to the UTS Library for content conversion.

Before submitting an Accessible Format request, students should try to source or convert course materials using the following services: 

  • Sensus Access – a free self-service, alternate media solution service, which allows users to automatically convert documents into a range of accessibility media including audio books (MP3 and DAISY), e-books (EPUB, EPUB3 and Mobi) and digital Braille.

Find out more about the assistive technologies and tools for productivity that are available to help you manage your time, organise your notes and improve your learning experience at UTS. 

UTS Library website accessibility

UTS Library is committed to making its website accessible to the widest possible audience in accordance with the UTS Accessibility statement

If you have problems accessing the Library website or have suggestions on how it may be improved, contact the Library.


Collection from the shelves

If you have difficulty collecting material from the shelves, Library staff will collect items for you. Please give us 24 hours’ notice and limit your request to 5 items at a time. Contact the Library about this service.


We provide a limited photocopying service for students with accessibility requirements. To arrange photocopying contact the Library with item details. Please give us 24 hours’ notice and limit your request to 5 items at a time. Copying is usually done using your UTS ID card and standard copying charges apply.


One-on-one training can be arranged, by appointment, for staff and students with accessibility requirements. Contact the Library to organise your consultation. UTS Library also provides tours and workshops to help you build skills in finding, using, organising, and evaluating information. 

Library accessibility officers 

Library Accessibility Officers can assist you with these Library services:

  • Information about your Library record
  • Accessing and borrowing Library materials
  • Booking rooms (including the Assistive Technology rooms)
  • Library services and facilities
  • Training in finding information
  • Using assistive technologies and software

Contact the Library via this form.